“The recovery when it happens, may not be the V shape that many expect because the appetite for demand may be subdued in favour of savings”

Issue: BizAvIndia 2/2020 Photo(s): By SRC Aviation
  1. The COVID-19 virus is probably a signature event in human history. Never before has global commerce been shut down so completely for so long.
  2. Many industries that work on small margins and high turnover, like the airline industry will be affected more.
  3. The commercial airline industry will take a year or two to recover. The business aviation industry could recover faster both because senior managers may prefer the safety of a personal jet over a commercial airline and also because supply chain disruptions may induce more senior management travel.
  4. Managements will now be forced to focus more on cash flows and having meaningful cash balances to ride over unexpected black swan events.
  5. Valuation is a much less relevant factor now than top line revenue and cash flows.