"Indian economy cannot be stalled due to such pandemics and this requires businessmen and business houses functioning and moving around. Private aviation is a good solution for this..."

Issue: BizAvIndia 2/2020 Photo(s): By Titan Aviation
  1. Private Aviation helps in various aspects of transportation and therefore should not be under lockdown, and must be allowed to function, with COVID-19 mitigation guidelines. US has not restricted the movements of private jets, and use proper mechanism to mitigate the risks.
  2. Indian economy cannot be stalled due to such pandemics and this requires businessmen and business houses functioning and moving around. Private aviation is a good solution for this since this avoids exposure for the traveling businessmen.
  3. Private aviation requires minimum resources and infrastructures in comparison to commercial aviation. So, the exposure is not huge. But the benefits created by the flying passengers are huge, and can help the people, economy etc.
  4. Just as we are unprepared for the pandemic of this magnitude, the Regulators must have used better assessment of specific industries. For e.g., there has been lot of confusion for home delivery services and the Government did not efficiently handle that aspect. Similarly, corporate aviation could have been allowed to function under a set of rules specifically for the COVID-19 situation.
  5. Staying safe is very important and many operators have lot of precautions in place since we already operate in a very highly regulated environment. To be treated the same way as a mass people mover is a poor perception of the Regulators that hurt the industry as a whole.