Cessna Citation Ascend Programme Advances

Issue: BizAvIndia 2/2024 Photo(s): By Textron Aviation

Textron Aviation announced the continued advancement of the Cessna Citation Ascend programme following the successful completion by the prototype aircraft of numerous certification tests and more than 350 flight test hours. The Citation Ascend business jet was unveiled during 2023 and is expected to enter into service in 2025.

The newest Citation is designed to bring a new cockpit, improved performance and a more luxurious cabin to the midsize business jet market. The aircraft’s state-of-the-art avionics including autothrottle, high payload capacity and impressive range offer customers reduced pilot workload and the ability to do more and go farther.

The Citation Ascend features Pratt & Whitney Canada PW545D engines that use new materials and technology – including a more efficient high-pressure compressor and an enhanced single stage high-pressure turbine module. The PW545D engines are also equipped with a Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC), enabling the new autothrottle technology and ensuring they operate at their maximum efficiency and with reduced pilot workload.