Embraer’s new Legacy 500 debuts in China

Issue: BizAvIndia 2/2015 Photo(s): By Embraer

In its first public appearance in China, since entering in service in last October, Embraer Executive Jets’ Legacy 500 midsize jet made its debut at the 2015 Asian Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition (ABACE), recently.

“Chinese customers are increasingly aware of the benefits executive jets bring as business tools. By 2024, China is expected to represent up to 9 per cent of the world’s business jet deliveries, about 13 per cent in value, which is estimated at approximately $30 billion,” said Guan Dongyuan, Senior Vice President of Embraer and President of Embraer China. “While buyers may still prefer larger aircraft, we do see increasing potential for midsize jets like the Legacy 500 as the market matures and aircraft ownership grows.”

Embraer showcased its new aircraft, the Legacy 500, alongside the ultra-large Lineage 1000E and the large Legacy 650, on static display. Since 2004, when its first executive jet was delivered to this region, Embraer has logged 35 firm orders and five options for executive jets, to date, of which 27 jets have been delivered.