Eve Air Mobility Unveils video of First eVTOL

Issue: BizAvIndia 2/2024 Photo(s): By Embraer

Eve Air Mobility unveiled a teaser video of its first full-scale eVTOL non-conforming prototype as it continues production of the aircraft at its facility in Brazil. Eve released the video on its social media channels and will continue to share more updates on its progress in the coming months.

Eve’s eVTOL aircraft utilises a lift+cruise configuration with eight dedicated propellers for vertical flight and fixed wings to fly on cruise, with no change in the position of these components during flight. The latest concept includes an electric pusher powered by dual electric motors that provide propulsion redundancy with the goal of ensuring the highest levels of performance and safety. While offering numerous advantages including lower cost of operation, fewer parts, optimised structures, and systems, it has been developed to offer efficient thrust with low sound. The company has begun assembly of its first full-scale eVTOL prototype which will be followed by a test campaign. Eve has letters of intent for nearly 3,000 eVTOLs and the aircraft is expected to enter into service in 2026.