SP Guide Publications puts forth a well compiled articulation of issues, pursuits and accomplishments of the Indian Army, over the years

— General Manoj Pande, Indian Army Chief

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— Admiral R. Hari Kumar, Indian Navy Chief

My compliments to SP Guide Publications for informative and credible reportage on contemporary aerospace issues over the past six decades.

— Air Chief Marshal V.R. Chaudhari, Indian Air Force Chief

A Word from Editor

Issue: 03-2010By Jayant Baranwal - Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

The dust has barely settled in the wake of Defexpo India that India Aviation beckons. Dispelling the last vestiges of wintry gloom, the months ahead hold forth hope of better tidings.

It is the season for exhibitions, interactions and business exchanges—the time of the year when the waning winter chill sends forth an irresistible invite to step out from the confines of offices and break the daily routine of humdrum activities to engage in across-the-board networking with national and international industry captains amid exciting, invigorating environs. So even as the capital hums with the last echoes of the sixth edition of the Defexpo India 2010, Hyderabad is gearing up for this year’s chapter of India Aviation that exclusively showcases the civil aviation sector.

For SP’s, Defexpo was of particularly significance this year as we took pride in being the official media publisher and went all out in our efforts to capture the action across the four days in the daily, SP’s ShowNews. Buoyed by the resounding success of our endeavours to tap the very nerve centre of the armed forces, we now look to Hyderabad for what promises to be an equally enriching experience.

Pertinent to the occasion, a section of this edition is dedicated to India Aviation. Besides a preview of the show, the section draws the spotlight on the year ahead as the beleaguered civil aviation industry makes a valiant attempt to emerge from the loom and doom of the year gone by to script a fresh chapter of hope and optimism. Although things are looking up for the airline industry in India, there is also need for caution as irresponsible planning by the airlines could again lead to a situation of overcapacity with the inevitable fare war. If that happens, the airline industry could be plunged into gloom—yet again.

Veering away from the dire warnings, the aviation industry also chronicles some of the most fascinating tales of women’s resilience in pursuing their passion for flying. Hall of Fame raises a toast to these free spirits.

Quite in sync with the central theme, the Cover Story on business jets raises the pointed question: will business aviation ever be the same again? Only time will tell. But for now, Peter Harbison, Executive Chairman, Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation has this assurance: “Over the next five years, India will enter the ranks of the top 10 business and general aviation markets in the world.” Perhaps, but if India is indeed serious about its green goals, every sector of the economy will have to pitch in—including regional airlines.

On the military front, the various nuances—impediments and challenges—of defending India’s air space have been laid down in gritty detail even as the country’s Defence Procurement Procedure is discussed threadbare. Currently, the Indian Army has inadequate fire power due to inordinate delay in the procurement; the Indian Navy has grave deficiencies in the strength of its submarine fleet; and operational capability of the Indian Air Force is being adversely affected due to depleting force levels, obsolescence and lack of essential support systems. Time for some drastic corrective measures.

Grab your copy and come, join as in Hyderabad!