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Defexpo ’08 - Lavish Spread

Issue: 02-2008By SP’s Team

Spanning the expansive, sunlit venue at Pragati Maidan, over 30 countries showcased the best in land and naval systems at Defexpo India 2008.

Clearly, the two traffic policemen in trademark grubby white were puzzled. What is going on inside, sir? Is it a meeting of police officers? they enquired of the retired Air Marshal making his way through the throng of visitors, delegates and participants both Indian and foreign trooping through Gate No. 8 of Pragati Maidan. Not police, it is a military exhibition, replied the gentleman, bemused. While the two law enforcers may have been wide off the mark in their conjecture, their curiosity echoed the buzz Defexpo inevitably generates among the masses every year.

Spread across the expansive, sunlit venue comprising eight halls covering 32,000 square metres space, over 30 countries showcased the best in land and naval systems at Defexpo India 2008 from February 16 to February 19. In all, 475 exhibitors, including 273 from abroad, participated in Defexpo 2008 which for the first time displayed products and services from the telecom and IT companies. Signifying India’s growing importance as a market for defence, a large number of leading global armament companies led by the US, France, Russia and Israel hogged the limelight. Largest was the delegation from the US with 46 companies led by former Defence Secretary William Cohen. US giants like Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Sikorsky besides the US defence department were out in full force. Close on their heels were the French, who participated with 43 companies, the Russians with 24 and the Israelis and Germans with 19 each. Over 20 companies from the UK participated in the Defexpo. In addition, a British Army Demonstration Area displayed a range of equipments covering peacekeeping, border security and explosive ordinance disposal.